Monday 20 July 2015

Dream a Little Dream - Giovanna Fletcher

Naturally, after adoring Giovanna Fletcher's two novels and little novel, I just couldn't wait to read Dream a Little Dream; a book that would be afternoon tea on a Saturday, if it was a meal.

If this was a school writing exercise, my teacher would ask, why? Why is it like an afternoon tea? Because it is a gorgeously sweet tale; the cream and the jam represent how well Sarah and her fantasy man, Brett work together; the scone is the honest and funny and heartfelt way this book is written; the refreshing group of friends it involves is like that refreshing sip of tea after overloading a scone with much too much clotted cream. Not that Sarah can get too much of Brett, of course.

Sarah, who is very aware of her single life and works a job she doesn't exactly love, is a protagonist I adore! For Sarah enjoys the little things- a pub quiz with her friends and lazy TV-watching sessions with her best friend. She is funny and caring, and becomes very excited at the promise of furthering herself in her job. You can't not love her.

Sarah finds herself dreaming dreams she has not experienced before. About a guy she hasn't seen for a very long time. Brett Last; a guy she only saw every now and then with her uni friends back at university. While she has to endure seeing her ex who broke her heart (as he is in the same friendship group), as well as his girlfriend who he left her for, Sarah finds some kind of solace and excitement in these sometimes bizarre dreams.

But, you can understand why she is kind of confused when Brett Last turns up at work. Working as the position she wanted. Whilst she carries on dreaming about Brett at night and working with him during the day, we love watching their real friendship evolve.

I felt very warm reading this novel; very at home. Giovanna Fletcher's writing is in a beautiful world of its own. If I would compare it to an evening; it would be a warm one, with a little cool, comfortable breeze and a big cardigan. Why? Because it's gorgeously smiley and hilarious, packed with moments where I verbally express that "awwwww" emotion.

Pub Quizzes & True Friends,

The Girl in the Moonlight.

P.S. Other Giovanna book reviews!
Billy and Me
You're The One That I Want
Christmas with Billy and Me

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