Tuesday 9 December 2014

DIY: Banish Blogger's Block

Since my last DIY post (you can read it HERE if you wish), I've been so excited to write another and as blogger's block can be such a frustrating experience, I thought I could share my tips on banishing it!

Blogger's block sucks.

It's as simple as that.

When I have blogger's block, I take myself away from Blogger and focus on something else. I don't ever want blogging to become a chore and so I know that when I need some space, like Rachel and Ross, I must take a break.

There is, however, a "but."

That "but" is this: What if my posts aren't up to the standard I am wanting and so I'm even more reluctant and unable to produce content? It has lead, in the past, to me, not sticking to my schedule... and I hate not sticking to my blogging schedule. It, in each circumstance, was needed, though, and I don't regret it. In the days I didn't post I wanted to find a way to get back into happy blogging. I have had similar occasions where, although I've not ignored my schedule, I've known I've needed some kind of inspiration to get my posts to the quality I wanted again. Today, I'm going to compile all of the subjects to write about that I've found useful to consider when I've been finding it difficult to write a post, either at all, or not to the standard I wish.This is a DIY post to my future blogger's blocked self.

♡ Take a picture or think of something simple ♡

I remember being out last year, while the sun accompanied a beautiful scene. As I sat I thought that somehow the whole situation would make a post I'd be proud of. So I took pictures of my surroundings and I wrote one of my favourite posts. I love writing about everyday, simple things. I often take pictures of the sky and write about it. Could you take a picture of some pebbles on a beach and write about a memory it reminds you of? That time you dropped your ice cream or when you spent a whole day with pebbles as your seat and the sea as your soundtrack. Could you take a picture of the sad sky outside your window and talk about a rainy experience that taught you something that now keeps you safe from the rain? Could you take a picture of your own hand or your kitchen cupboard or the pavement? Something simple might spark a million thoughts.

♡ Talk about something you love ♡

It could be a fandom you're in or a sport you play or something you know a lot about and enjoy. I adore writing about music I love and books I adore. Anything that is a way which I indulge myself in happiness with when I am just in my room or at home, is something I can write a blog-sized post about! I find my fingers typing as happily as my smile at the thought of McFly or superheroes or books. Talking about something I love means I always have thoughts flying around in my brain that can be formed into sentences to fill a blank page. 

♡ Talk about it! ♡

I've simply spoken about any blogging ponderings when thinking of a subject to write about; these posts are some well-viewed posts, I have observed after posting- it makes me proud to have written them. A lot of bloggers can think about things wrong with their blog when there isn't actually anything wrong! I figure this out during my posts. It's not necessarily that I'm worried, but that I want to portray something about my blog without any readers having to figure it out- for example, in Writing Woes and Wonders I speak about how I sometimes want to be really honest about something a little more vulnerable than I am used to and I conclude that sometimes I will write things I may not say and in Who Is Your Blog? I make it clear that my blog has no niche- I write what I want!

Talk about any issues you're having! You're not alone.

♡ Talk about yourself ♡

Let's have some vanity on our blogs, please. After all, your blog, I imagine, is about you- even if it's not obvious! I simply talk about myself sometimes, since I do know a lot about the subject. Throw a few facts about yourself at the page, or talk about something about yourself that you like. Blogging can be very personal and I know I love getting to know bloggers that little bit more so why not!?

♡ Back to basics ♡

Write about your day! I've spoken many times about witnessing something I've seen or explaining my feelings in a day or an experience I experienced. Did something happen that made you smile? Did something happen that made you think? Or, has something stuck with you for a while now?

I've had a few random breaks from blogging out of need for revision and being too busy this year. Lately, I've had no excuse. Now I am very much back into the swing of it! Do you have any tips for the curse that is blogger's block? I would love to know as you can't have too many ways to cure it!

Warm Jumpers & Pyjama Bottoms,

The Girl in the Moonlight.

P.S. I am blogging every day for Blogmas; you can check out yesterday's post HERE!

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