Friday 4 July 2014

A Summer Sky

My summer is here and I couldn't be more deliriously excited about it!

Summer is my best friend at the moment; I am so grateful for its company, day and night.

Whether the sky is happy or sad, this is one very happy person. You know when celebrities talk about the importance of being grounded? *Flicks hair dramatically.* I feel like summer is keeping me grounded! College could be draining this year; its importance was obvious and although I recognised it wasn't the most important thing in the world, it was easy to get sucked up into this little bubble of stress/panic/fear. This was reflected in my blog. As well as having very little time at all to sit down and write, my mindset was in another world; not in blog-mode. I hope to very rarely get to that point with my blog again but it was necessary and I'm just glad my blog's content didn't suffer too much.

The sun's out though!

Back to the grounding thing. I've been spending time with all of the people I love to be around, doing things I love to do and detoxing my mind. I don't have a million and one things on my mind; I'm enjoying busying myself with awesome people; I'm relaxed. I have so much more time to read and that's very exciting. I can go shopping, drown myself happily in new music and old music and spend hours down the beach.

I learnt last year to not get unhealthily stressed about education and although this year was stressful, I have definitely improved and I hope, to once again, learn that the skies are bright even if its hiding for a while!

Whipped Clouds & Happy Sky,

The Girl in the Moonlight.

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